Bereaved Parents, Supporting Bereaved Parents
Run by and for bereaved parents and families in Greater Manchester.
We are the Manchester group of a countrywide network of over 90 local Sands support groups.
We are all bereaved parents who support other bereaved parents in the Manchester area who have experienced baby loss, and we do so in a voluntary capacity.
We hold monthly evening meetings in-person and online. Our in-person meetings are held in at The Tea Hive, Chorlton. The meetings are informal and supportive, and all are welcome - individuals, couples and affected family members - no matter when your bereavement occurred, whether recently or some time ago.
To find out more about our meetings - click here.
Our partners, Still Parents, the Whitworth’s award-winning programme, supports parents who have experienced the loss of a baby in pregnancy or just after birth through art run monthly workshops. Making is at the heart of these sessions as participants are introduced to new techniques and skills whilst surrounded by people who understand. - find out more here.
Baby Loss Certificates:
In October 2024, the Government announced they're offering baby loss certificates for any family who's lost a baby before 24 weeks, no matter when their loss happened. To read more, click here.
Contact Us
Please call us on the number below and leave a message, email manchester@sandsvolunteer.org.uk or fill in the form (below) and someone will get back to you.
Helpline: 07756466841
Mailing List and Remembrance Cards
If you'd like to be added to our email list and recieve information about our meetings please answer 'Yes' on the contact form. We normally send information via email to save on costs. In addition, if you would like to receive a remembrance card, and or add a name to our remembrance page, please complete the contact form.
A full list of meeting dates can be found here.